Well, related or not, I decided to post few information which may or may not bring great significance in your lives. Some items may be important, some may be... errr... well... not so important. Here it goes!
Of all the IT machineries, the computer and its monitor makes up 40% of the total carbon emission. So want to go green? Want to save the planet? Hands off your computer.
Contrary to what is believe that to enjoy it, consume it in a longer time, fast foods' best quality is on the minute it was served and that makes a 50% decline every 5 minutes pass.
Mario of Super Mario's original name is Jumpman, who first appeared in Donkey Kong, a 1981 arcade game. It was later changed to give honor to Mario Segali, the Nintendo of America's landlord.
Women are more likely to go to a psychiatrist than men with 37% difference!!!
Here's another, girls blink twice as much as boys!
Hmmm... Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.
In an odd twist, scientists have discovered a weird fact about women, sex and chocolate. Eating chocolate and having sex result in the same, exact brain functions in a woman! (What the!!!!)
Many go on suicide, according to statistics, on Monday than any other days of t6he week. Want to go on suicide? Don't do it Monday.
Did you know that the dot above the line in the letter "i" is called tittle?
Charlie Chaplin only won third place in a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest.
Coca-Cola was originally green. (Whoa! I know, I'm surprised myself!)
Like Poker or cards? I bet you didn't know that the kings actually represent great kings in history, Spades is King David, Hearts is Charlemagne, Clubs, Alexander the Great, and Diamonds is Julius Caesar.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
"I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English Language.
Conception occurs more in December that in any other months. (Oh please, thats ordinary. Its Holidays!)
Cockroaches can live for 9 days after their head has been cut off. And they die because of hunger.
Red is my favorite color.
And I don't make any sense. .(@_O)"