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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Flutter: The New Twitter

Twitter too wordy for you. After all, 140 characters is indeed too long to read, sometimes, that is.

Enter Flutter, the world's first nanoblogging site.

Zak Ryman, Flutter CEO, says: "I think a lot of people don't have time to Twitter. It just takes too long to compose a message with 140 characters, and then you start getting bombarded by a few tweets and it's like hundreds of characters that you have to read."

Flutter brings the limit down to just 26 characters for Twitaholics, who need more time.

"We limit our users' posts - or flaps, is what we like to call them, because it's like a hummingbird's wings flapping, which is like really fast, which is like, you know, faster than a regular bird tweets - we limit it to 26 characters."

I was literally browsing the internet in random when I saw this video. I say lol to this! Especially with the glasses.

Note: this is of course a joke made from the guys at Slate Video. Kudos for them!

Monday, April 6, 2009

New Hobby: Reviewing Movies!


There has been no updates and posts has been quite slow these past few days. I've been busy and I'm trying my best to make posts.

Anyways, I've develop a new hobby these past few days. As you've known, I love watching movies and I enjoy blogging, and I've been busy to do both, watch movies and think of ideas to blog!

Yesterday, I thought of something. What if, what if I decide to blog about movies! Now that'll keep be great right! So, for the past few days, I've been making reviews about the movies I caught in the cinemas. So far, I've made only three. Ready?!

These are just the first three movies I've made a review. Catch more in the next few days. You may be able to catch them at the My Reviews Category from My Information Technology! Yadda!