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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Translate Dot Google Dot Com

Language has always been a barrier in all of us. From the start of the time until the modern age, we are4 still divide by how we speak. But since the technological innovations are being created every minute and communication has become more accessible, we can never deny serious efforts and inventions to erase the gap between all of humanity around the world.

And honestly, I can't help it but laugh at the desperate efforts of the few. Don't misunderstand me, this post is not meant to insult the innovations made by Google, but rather, it is to praise them for this great achievement. It is a great effort of bridging all of us. But you also cannot deny that, damn!, they make me laugh.

Yup, I am talking about Translate.Google.Com!
Google TranslateIf you have time, go ahead and try it. And just for curiosity, educational and testing (or any other kinds of) purposes, I decided to try it to the universal sentence we all love to type in our grade school. Check it out.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog near the bank of the river.

El rápido zorro marrón saltó sobre el perro perezoso cerca de la orilla del río.

Le renard brun rapide sauté par dessus le chien paresseux près de la rive de la rivière.

Ang mabilis na brown soro kumuha ng higit sa mga tamad na aso malapit sa bangko ng ilog.



Der flinke rote Fuchs sprang über den faulen Hund in der Nähe der Ufer des Flusses.

الثعلب البني السريع قفز فوق الكلب الكسول بالقرب من ضفة النهر.

La volpe veloce marrone saltato oltre il cane pigro vicino alla riva del fiume.

I am not saying anything like I understand all these languages, but I'm quite sure it contains a lot of errors. lol!

But as I have stated before, I admire this effort of Google to bring everyone on the world closer. A little more time, this would be perfect.


  1. Babelfish dolf iya sang yahoo.. babel! babel! haha http://babelfish.yahoo.com/

  2. Yes! That's true.. Though it's not that accurate but it's great.. It made me laugh! Rod for PAMALO! Thanks for sharing! Happy Holidays!
